"Deadmau5’s has a new compilation album, ‘For Lack Of A Better Name’, out in October. Now lets get one thing clear, this isn’t his Artist album (that’s still in mau5 lab), this is more a collection of random works that he’s produced individually. A few have been out previously, but there are some new surprises in there as well. The tracks will be segued together, so in a way reflect his current live show.
This summer he’s performed some electric shows at Sonar (The most spectacular audio visual assault involved an oversized mouse mask…this was Sonar at it’s expectation -shattering best) The Observer), and Glastonbury (Laptop played by giant nightmare cyber rodent whose black eyes look as if they’re staring into the depths of your soul and are not impressed by what they see – that’s thrills. NME). This autumn he’ll launch his mammoth world-wide ‘For Lack Of A Better Name’ tour. The tour is bigger and brighter with new visuals and a mind blowing innovation, which we cant reveal just yet, but will lift the show to new heights. More details soon."
-info directly from deadmau5.com (left side)
Clear to see that this probably was a label pushed album. Something clear to note, looks like we will be seeing this new "HD TV Mau5head" soon!!! Stay tuned for more information!
UPDATE: Amazon.ca calls 'For Lack Of A Better Name' a "[Soundtrack]"
On a side note, make sure you subscribe to "mau5mail" before the end of the month to get a special code to download an MP4 of Deadmau5 @ creamfields!