This looks like a one time release from Moguai, a bit like Sydney Blu, ZYVOX, with a special remix by Steve Duda, (Deadmau5’ right hand man in BSOD.)
ZYVOX does what (maybe joel’s) description says it does. “An epic piece of electronica with rolling beats and hypnotic hook this is a sure winner on mau5trap! One half of BSOD, the legendary Steve Duda turns in a dubbier dreamier remix (Yet still with that trademark BSOD bassline)”
If I’m right Moguai has done some electro stuff before.
Very mau5 like, if you ask me. I’d recommend getting it here:
I’m looking forward to the release date of For Lack of a Better Name, and I hope it’s a little different than the promo release (at least it won’t have Ultra Deadmau5 promotion) because I have been listening to the promo. I also hope they release ghosts n’ stuff in UK on iTunes. Because beatport is rather expensive. But amazing for all the electro music you can’t get in iTunes.
And also a quick note that iTunes 9 is also released. Has much more features than iTunes 8.
Over and out from my first blog post, Psylark.