Also, at a recent show in Vegas, the mau5 appeared to show off a shiny new mau5head (or it certainly looks like it)
It reminds me of this one:
Also, some more videos from the show:
The song that was once named 4x4=12 (not the album) is pretty much confirmed to be called Maths.
According to his twitter he played some "new bangers" at this show.
The earl's court Deadmau5 USB
The song that was once named 4x4=12 (not the album) is pretty much confirmed to be called Maths.
According to his twitter he played some "new bangers" at this show.
The earl's court Deadmau5 USB
The new USB with the full HD video of Deadmau5' Earl's Court performance is now up for sale. Great for those who missed out on the UK tour - this was one of his biggest performances yet.
And here is the new deadmau5 store, featuring collectibles, shirts, and pretty much all merchandise you could ever want:
Featured on the new Deadmau5 USB are some unreleased mixes, including his new mix of FML, aptly named "FML Again"
Deadmau5 live at Victoria Park, London
Deadmau5 will be returning to the UK this June for one more show - at Victoria Park in London, outdoors.
Preorders for tickets go live on ticketmaster 25th February 2011.
And finally, I leave you with some studio stuff that he never released. This was from ustream.