Deadmau5 headlined the Saturday show at Ultra. He came armed with his cube...also, SOFI, and some music.
It was pretty much a stock cube set, not many new tracks performed as far as I can tell. He was cut off at 12am due to time constrictions, therefore he didn't get to play Strobe as his ending song. Oh, but, instead there was confetti.
So on with the videos (bad quality vids will be replaced with the best quality vids)
Various clips (including some of carl cox)
Limit Break and Some Chords
the end of Some Chords.
Reward is Cheese / Bad Selection
SOFI Needs a Ladder (and is that live drums I hear? perhaps Tommy Lee was performing with them, just like last year. Meanwhile, do you remember that SOFI said she was going to be a hologram in her interview with MTV? I can't see it in this video, it's too far away.)
A huge chunk of the whole set, including Ghosts n Stuff, Maths, Get in the Cart Pig, and Sometimes Things Get Whatever.
Cthulhu Sleeps.
Sometimes Things Get Whatever
more FML.
Right This Second (bad quality for the most part however it shows the full stage pretty well)
dubstep part of Raise Your Weapon
End of the show (with confetti)