Thursday, May 26, 2011


And no, they don't mean the back of an actual cat. (Okay that was a lame joke and I apologize for it). They mean the back CATALOG! So if you think you're missing something from your mau5trap collection or simply want to listen to anything you might not have, check the soundcloud out. They started uploading 5 hours ago from the time of making this post, so keep checking in. (4 more added, Sydney Blu tracks added)
And secondly, if you've ever wanted to make your own mau5head, now's your chance!
"deadmau5 is inviting aspiring designers to submit their most creative and unique mau5head design for the chance to have it produced as the next deadmau5 head." Click the link above to find out more on the contest.

The selected design will be produced into the next deadmau5 head for promotional events and deadmau5's signature 'Unhooked' shows. Photographs of the winning mau5head will be featured on deadmau5's official website along with details about the winner. The winner will receive 2 VIP passes to a deadmau5 performance in Los Angeles and will meet deadmau5 at an in-store event in Los Angeles in August 2011. Travel and 2 nights' accommodation for the winner plus a guest will be provided. The 5 highest voted submissions will each receive 2 VIP passes to a deadmau5 performance nearest to their location (travel and accommodation not provided). A further 5 highest voted submissions will receive official signed deadmau5 merchandise.

Submission Deadline:
July 12, 2011
Voting Starts: July 13, 2011
Voting Ends: July 19, 2011
Winner Announcement: August 3, 2011

in the beginning by mau5traprecords