Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Deadmau5 South Africa tour ahead / New version of Raise Your Weapon

In the most cyclic redundant (see what I did there?) advertising feat ever, this site and video linked to by deadmau5 himself confirms that there will be a tour in South Africa soon. The site is rather nondescript and links to the video...and the video points to the site. Dates, locations, all presumably TBA. We'll have it here as soon as it's revealed.

UPDATE: Dates announced

Cape Town, 1st December, Ratanga Junction
Durban, 2nd December, Wavehouse
Johannesburg, 3rd December, H20 Wild Waters

Raise Your Weapon, WIP Album version

Out of the blue, Deadmau5 linked to this WIP album version of Raise Your Weapon. In this case, the song takes on a melancholy feel, with no hard hitting synths, just pure chill. Oh, and with some extra vocals, presumably still courtesy of Greta Svabo Bech. Now I can see where Madeon got the extra vocals from for his remix...

Presumably, This is a WIP version from before 4x4=12, not for the next album. Shows how much songs change over time!

Oh, and just as a final note, we're testing out a new mobile version of the blog. To get there, hit this link! (hopefully on your mobile device...)
